Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Internet, consumer protection, and privacy

FTC Divided Over Online 'Behavioral Targeting'

The Federal Trade Commission recently issued a report on consumer protection and technology that explains how the commission will prevent Internet fraud as well as unfair and deceptive advertising. The report, entitled "Protecting Consumers In The Next Tech-ade," outlines consumer protection challenges as technologies evolve.

It found that "questions regarding the types of consumer data collected for use in behavioral advertising, how such data are used, and what protections are provided for that data remain." After a November town hall meeting on Internet tracking, targeting, and advertising technology, the FTC began drafting principles to encourage self-regulation of online behavioral advertising.

I don’t think most people realize that privacy enhances security. Lack of privacy is itself a security vulnerability. It is possible to design for privacy.

Creating software that protects privacy, particularly online, is going to be the next killer ap. The market isn’t ready for it yet, but it will be.

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